Friday, April 29, 2005


First and foremost, I am against the war in Iraq. I never for one second bought into Dumbya and his Dumbettes' axis of evil/WMD/Saddam Hussein connection. I cannot get my mind around the fact that today, there are still a large number of Americans who believe the lies that gave us the Iraq war. I decided to sever my ties with for the primary reason they officially will not take a stand against the war. Quite frankly, I get sick to my stomach when I hear any politician, democrat, republican or independents, state they are for the war, although some with caveats.

This country is sinking, drowning because of all the bullshit weight put upon it by the current republican political way of life. The lying with impunity, on a daily basis, just galls me. This administration hands over wads of cash to Haliburton and subsidiaries, pays hundreds of thousands of dollars a month just for laundry for employees and such in the Green Zone, yet cannot get off their fucking asses to buy our soldiers PROPER ARMOR FOR COMBAT???? What is up with that? It is disgusting to actually listen to this administration, including the house and senate, suck up to the people by pretending to give a damn about our soldiers, when all they care about is lining their own coffers. Even after the latest appropriations bill was passed, earmarking over $80 billion more for the Iraq war, with some of the funds ostensibly to go for armor and such, got whittled down by lawmakers' pork barrel projects. And at last Thursday's senate vote for more money for humvees, 39 senators actually voted no.

Saturday marks the 30 year anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war. The atrocities committed in the name of freedom in that war have been well documented. I wonder when the truth about Fallujah will be known to the average American citizen. Can they stomach that?

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