Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Survived A Suicide Attempt Only To Find Out I Have Cancer

Welcome to my world!

I haven't blogged in a while.  Part of me is distracted by the cancer diagnosis.  Part of me just can't keep up with the bullshit of 2013 life.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer two days ago.  I am still trying to wrap my head around this. 

My daughter hasn't responded to any of my phone calls or texts in a year, even after I indicated I have cancer.  Draw your own conclusions.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Into The Mystic

Getting over tragic events today ...

Monday's episode of "Defiance" on Syfy (my new favorite show) had Van Morrison's "Into The Mystic" by Jen Chapin, as the closing credits.  The last time I was moved by this song was on Judging Amy.

This rendition was heartbreaking.

If you haven't watched the series ... I suggest you do so.

Friday, June 07, 2013

End Of Life ...

I am still recovering from a sight no one should ever have to see.

A Mac truck ran over a person today, killing them.  It happened on a regular corner that I habit a lot.  The "blood curdling" screams were mind altering.

Roads blocked off; police cars every where; emergency vehicles on the scene.

Just having the vision of the body, lifeless, is more than I can stomach.

To posit a commentary ... why do those that are in four wheel vehicles have such disdain for us that are bi-peds?

So in a hurry to cut corners, at the expense of life?

The driver of the mac truck was making a right turn on a green light (going east) while the pedestrian had the right of way (going north).

Personally, I was the victim of a similar travesty.  If it was a mac truck that ran over me, I, too, would be dead.

The Santa Monica shooting over-shadowed this tragedy, today.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

King of Queens - Billy Vera

Been watching "King of Queens" re-runs this evening.  As I have noted through out my blog, I am one of the original "Beater buddies."  Billy Vera and the Beaters did the TV theme.

Billy's voice is very distinctive.  So many commercials that he has done the voice overs are too numerous to count.

His most famous song:  At This Moment

Interesting that MJF married TP.

I've Got My Eye On You (think of a slow gin marathon!)

BV website

Between Like And Love video, which, by the way, I have never seen LOL.  But here is the song if you want it.


I am the queen of BV artifacts.  Way too much to catalog.

Someone Will School You
(check the lyrics ... seriously! ... "I should have known you were too willing, I would soon be taking penicillin")

My new ringtone.  Peanut Butter!

This movie sucked, but ... it did star Bruce Willis and Kim Bassinger, and the song was one of my favorites, and it was one of the opening songs of their set when I would hit the dance floor with my partner.