Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ruby Summer Doing Lady Gaga's "Let's Dance"

Many know I'm a Lady Gaga fan. Got the ringtones and screens on my cell phone (laughs).

Ran into an old acquaintance without Facebook or MySpace, by her finding the link to my uncles blog and her sending an email to me to give her email address to one of my cousins, and then, she asked in her email how I and my kid were doing ... and I found this odd since I thought I was just forwarding a "get in touch" to one of my family members who's blog I manage.

When she mentioned that I gave her all of Mercedes' used clothes back in the day, I knew immediately who the person was because I only gave those clothes away to one person. Back when my daughter was born, I tended to drop 3 to 5 hundred every three months for imported cotton baby clothes, and I only gave them to this one person whose kid was about six months younger than my daughter.

It was fun chatting in email. I still have all her letters to me when I moved to Oregon (yes, I'm a saver of all letters, cards, etc. since 1979 ... true).

That lead me to give her my cousin's Leslie's girls MySpace link (they recently recorded and released an album) and I found this YouTube of them singing, acoustically, Lady Gaga's "Let's Dance." It was pretty cool, and I'm sharing it here.

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