Thursday, April 27, 2006

One Year, 705 Posts, 4,800 Hits

It has been one year now since my first entry into the blogosphere. What prompted me, it’s hard to say. An overall dissatisfaction with politics, in general, and with the Bushites, in particular would rank in the top three. Mostly, it was wanting simply to keep a few friends of mine politically informed without inundating their email boxes with countless links to stories I felt had relevance.

Once I had decided to blog, I concentrated on what would be my very first post. After Bush was installed in the White House in 2000, my relationship with my best friend started to sour. He became more and more openly bigoted and extreme, and it alienated me. When I had the audacity to feel hope that the 2004 election would vindicate those of us who believed Bush was in the White House illegally, he mocked me, and took personal pot shots at me. It was sort of like being swift-boated by my own friend. So, I had to end the friendship, and I did my first post (as well as my first diary at MyDD) about the ending of that friendship over political partisanship.

I did not dream in the slightest that any of my diaries or blog entries would garner the attention of more than a handful of friends, and it was with extreme surprise and excitement that my first diary was selected as a feature diary that day at MyDD. That resulted in my blog’s very first day receiving nearly 500 hits!

It is now one year later, 705 posts later, and 4,800 hits later, and in looking back, I am pleased with the effort, and still have the drive to continue this blog. There were absolutely zero low lights, and the high lights include being been nominated for a Koufax for best post, a nomination that came from MyDD, for that very same post about my best friend, and being a featured blog at the Daou Report courtesy of The Carpetbagger. My favorite postings, though, are the Friday Random Ten, especially cross-posting over at feministe.

So, thank you to all who stop by occasionally (and I know there are a few), and to those that just found their way here by blog browsing. Step up to the bar and browse the menu. I’m sure there’s something here that will whet your appetite.

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