Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Trotting Out The Marching Band For 9/11

This news is just unbelievable. According to Rumsfeld, the Pentagon will be "staging" a huge "march" and concert (Clint Black, GET A NEW LIFE, PLEASE!) to ostensibly "commemorate" the fourth anniversary of September 11, to be held this coming 9/11.

What unmitigated gall. This administration is so out of touch. The PEOPLE, damn it, are still mouring this tragic loss, and I doubt a "party," even one thrown by this government, is going to assuage any of the bad feelings that still surrounds this day. My god, I did not lose anyone I was personally acquainted with on 9/11, but I still can't go to work on that day, and I still cry my eyes out just thinking about that day. 9/11 is not a celebratory day for me, nor do I think this nation's people are ready for such a trite excercise in their honor.

Read more here.

The Pentagon would hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing today.

"This year the Department of Defence will initiate an America Supports Your Freedom Walk," Rumsfeld said, adding that the march would remind people of "the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation".

The march will start at the Pentagon, where nearly 200 people died on September 11, 2001, and end at the National Mall with a show by country star Clint Black.

Word of the event startled some observers.

"I've never heard of such a thing," said John Pike, who has been a defence analyst in Washington for 25 years and runs


Rieckhoff suggested the event was an ill-conceived publicity stunt."I think it's clear that their public opinion polls are in the toilet," he said.

Rumsfeld's march had some relatives of September 11 victims fuming."

How about telling Mr Rumsfeld to leave the memories of September 11 victims to the families?" said Monica Gabrielle, who lost her husband in the attacks.

While we are on the subject of 9/11, check out this really great site CNN has had up since the beginning. It lists all the victims, has pictures, and places where people can "comment" about the person. It's the best 9/11 site I've seen.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Also brings to mind the "Support the Troops" bullshit songs country singers churn out to make themselves richer. Who actually hurts the troops? Cindy Sheehan, or the corrupt president who is responsible for killing & maiming thousands of American (& Iraqi) men & women?