Monday, July 18, 2005

Jeff Wald Sues ... But Does He Really Have A Case?

OK, on a local note, this is funny.

Jeff Wald (ex husband and manager of "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar" Helen Reddy), goes bonkers in recorded voicemail messages left.

Some choice passages from Wald's messages: "If I see one more word with your name attached to me on your website, you're (swear word here) dead. Do you understand that? You can tape-record that."

A day later, Wald obviously hadn't let off all his steam. He didn't like Ford's description of his potbelly and other physical unpleasantries. (Remember, this is Hollywood, where you are what you look like!)

"So, I'm fat with a potbelly?" he bellowed. "I can make you not (really bad word here) breathe. Everyone else would be polite and send you a letter. I'll stop you from breathing."

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