Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wear Orange In Florida, Get Fired!

Wow. Getting fired in Florida for wearing an orange shirt to work. The Sunshine State, home of the orange! Isn't that like getting fired in Hawai'i on a Friday for wearing an aloha shirt?

They weren't wearing sagging pants or revealing clothing. But dressing in an orange shirt is apparently enough to get fired at one Florida law firm, where 14 workers were unceremoniously let go last Friday.

In an interview with the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, several of the fired workers say they wore the matching colors so they would be identified as a group when heading out for a happy hour event after work. They say the executive who fired them initially accused them of wearing the matching color as a form of protest against management.


The law offices of Elizabeth R. Wellborn, P.A. offered "no comment" to Sun-Sentinel reporter Doreen Hemlock, but four ex-employees tell the paper they were simply wearing their orange shirts to celebrate "pay day" and the upcoming Friday group happy hour.

1 comment:

BC said...
