Sunday, January 09, 2011

Obama Administration Still Obsessed About Wikileaks!

The US government continues to exert its privacy violations to other countries and individuals of other countries. And, of course, we at home in America still have our right to privacy ... NOT!

"Icelandic officials have called for an explanation of the US Justice Department's move to access the Twitter account of Birgitta Jónsdóttir."
The US attorney general, Eric Holder, has said he believes Assange could be prosecuted under US espionage laws. Holder said the leaks had endangered US national security. "The American people themselves have been put at risk by these actions that I believe are arrogant, misguided and ultimately not helpful in any way," he said.

Someone PULLEEZZEE take off this man's blindfold and show him the eight year reign of terror begat by one George W. Bush. I do believe the quote: "The American people themselves have been put at risk by these actions that I believe are arrogant, misguided and ultimately not helpful in any way" seems far more relevant to the Bush Administration than it does in any way to WikiLeaks.

And this is on Obama's watch. Hope. Change. Not so much. Obama's record on violating individual personal rights is worse than Bush's. At least we knew Bush was stupid and manipulated by others, but Obama? What's his excuse?

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