Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Swift Boat This, You Assholes

The political tactic of playing up the soldiers on the battlefield while tearing down the reputations of veterans who oppose them could eventually cost the Republicans dearly. It may be one reason that a preponderance of the Iraq war veterans who thus far have decided to run for office are doing so as Democrats.

You bet your bippy it's going to come back to haunt the Repugs. This administration has a few dirty tricks, but that's about it, and they just keep using the same dirty tricks, over and over and over and over (yawn).

Now the Cybercast News Service, a supposedly independent organization with deep ties to the Republican Party, has dusted off the Swift Boat Veterans playbook, questioning whether Mr. Murtha deserved his two Purple Hearts. The article also implied that Mr. Murtha did not deserve the Bronze Star he received, and that the combat-distinguishing "V" on it was questionable. It then called on Mr. Murtha to open up his military records.

These assholes want the military records opened up, but what's up with them refusing to open up Bush's military records. The last time anyone attempted that, a few heads rolled, and Dan Rather was out of work.

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